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Acquiring knowledge through direct experience,self-exploration and discovery
Unleash inquisitive minds
Fun with numbers
Categorize, sorting, grouping, compare objects using attributes (colours, shapes, sizes, patterns, etc) rote counting, recognizes and writing, metal arithmetic – addition, subtraction, multiplication & fraction Scroll Pre-School Mathematics Workbook
Through our language, we create a mindfully interpolating cross - disciplinary activities within each thematic lesson to promote integrative learning. Our lessons are designed around engaging activities that develop awareness, spontaneity and improvisational skills.
Creative Art
Working with paints, crayons, pencils and materials to create objects of aesthetics and creativity
Music & Movement
Appreciate music-rhythm, beat, tempo and movement – use of body parts in relation to space
Physical Development
Children gain physical confidence as they develop their gross and fine motor skills through outdoors and indoors activities
Environmental Education
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